Cathryn holding the title of her next rural romance release - title pixelled out

Newsletter subscribers already know this piece of news, but now it’s time to shout it to the world.

The title of my next full length rural romance is…

*drum roll*

Cathryn revealing WAYWARD HEART title

The exact release date is still a secret but expect to see Wayward Heart on shelves early next year. I adore this story and can’t wait to tell you more about it. All will be revealed as soon as I get the nod from my publisher but what I can say is that it tells the story of Jasmine and Digby, two characters first introduced in Rocking Horse Hill, and it’s a very emotional journey to happiness for both.

For a sneak-peek at Wayward Heart, check out this Teaser Tuesday. This snippet is from the draft manuscript (back when it had the working title Admella Beach). There’s no guarantee these paragraphs will appear in the final release but it’s good for a taste.

If you want to be the first to see Wayward Heart’s cover and release date when it’s revealed, plus access to all the pre-order links, extracts and more, make sure you sign up to my newsletter.

Can’t wait!

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