Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, where I share snippets from new and past releases and works-in-progress, and occasionally twist the arms of author buddies to do this same.
Ha! You thought TT wasn’t returning, didn’t you? Well it is, although more on an ad hoc basis than weekly, but with the same news and juicy teasers from myself and guests.
Last year was a difficult year for me personally and the beginning of 2019 isn’t being much kinder. The things I’m going through continue to have a major effect on my productivity, which is stressing me out, quite frankly, and stress is a demon none of us need. I have a LOT of writing to catch up on and that means I need to prioritise. Books must come first. The blog will be a lagging second.
I’ll do my best to keep it rollicking along though. I like blogging and I know a lot of you enjoy the posts but if I’m not making my word count, then it’s blog that will miss out until they’re done. I’m sure, like me, you’d much rather a new book than a new blog post!
Speaking of writing, I’ve finally come to the last chapters of Eddie and the Show Queen. Rah! Once I get those done, I’ll settle in for a full read. I’m looking forward to that. This book has taken a long time to write and revisiting Eddie’s and Alice’s romance will be fun. I love this couple. They’re ridiculously cute and Eddie is a sweetheart, and the Levenham gang are great to hang with.
Here’s a little sample of what you can expect from Eddie and the Show Queen. Please note that this is from an unedited manuscript, so you’ll have to forgive any wobbly bits.
Eddie might have sauntered up to the microphone like a seasoned rock star but the truth was he was crapping himself.
What if Alice hated his poem? Or the footy boys laughed and made him look like a numpty in front of her? Dressing up as Elvis and belting out “It’s Now or Never” to a bunch of shoppers was just a bit of stupid fun, as was modelling jocks and socks in McAdams front window, but this was serious. He’d watched Alice’s face as she’d listened rapt to emo fringe-kid and the urge to create that same reaction ached like hunger.
He glanced at his poem. Sheep. He wrote about frigging sheep. Great way to impress a girl.
Stay tuned for news on Eddie and the Show Queen’s release date, cover reveal and pre-order links. Newsletter subscribers always get the exciting bits first. Join the cool kids here and be smug little Vegemites, just like them. Plus you’ll receive a couple of free short stories to enjoy over a cuppa. All the wins!

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