Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge meme

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Welcome again to the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, a year-long challenge set by the good folk at Long and Short Reviews that anyone can participate in. Want to see who’s playing along or join in yourself? Check out the challenge here.

Oh gawd, I’m on deadline and running waaaay behind, so my response to this week’s topic is going to be short.

The Weirdest Thing I Learned Reading Fiction

Um… probably how to kill someone painfully and inventively? God knows, I read enough horror novels to be a near expert on the subject. This is not an expertise I ever plan to use in my life. In case you were wondering.

I Ate the Sheriff by James Scott BellI also know far too much about the eating habits of zombies thanks to James Scott Bell’s Mallory Caine, Zombie-at-Law thriller series. Still gives me the shudders when I think about it. These books are hoot though. Totally over the top bonkers, which is just how I like them.

On a nicer note, and not particularly weird but I’m going to mention it anyway because this book is gorgeous, I recently discovered a lot about hand-lettering and calligraphy thanks to reading Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn.

What weird things have you learned from reading fiction?

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