Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, where I share snippets from new and past releases and works-in-progress and occasionally twist the arm of an author buddy to do the same.
We’ve just had a long weekend here in Newcastle and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was glorious! And perfect for The Big Picture Fest Newcastle, a large-scale street art festival held 2nd – 4th October.
It was impressive watching the artists at work. I don’t know how they scale up like that. Training, skill and talent I imagine. However it’s done, it’s marvellous.
Here are a couple of piccies:

Aren’t they cool? The one with the red rose actually had the model on site. She was very funny, carrying a rose and pointing at the mural saying, “Look, it’s me!”
There are videos of the artists at work, and of completed murals on The Big Picture Fest Facebook page.
All this chat about arts can only lead to one thing: a Teaser Tuesday featuring my very own talented artist, Scarlett Ash from Scarlett and the Model Man.
Poor Scarlett has lost her mojo and is desperate to get it back before she takes up a prestigious overseas residency. How though? That’s where our hero Sam the model man comes in…
‘I lost my creativity with a painting called Crowns and now I can’t get it back.’
‘But you thought you could with me?’
‘Yes. The perfect man.’ She smiled wanly. ‘I had the idea that if I created a masculine series to counter my feminine one, it would give me my mojo back.’
‘And it’s not working. Despite my perfect man-ness.’
‘Not like I hoped, no. And not because your man-ness isn’t perfect. It is. It’s me.’
‘The old it’s me not you, huh?’
Scarlett gave a half-laugh and for a moment the shadows edged away. Then her gaze returned to her sketchpad and her sweet cupid’s bow mouth flattened.
‘Okay,’ said Sam. ‘What can I do to help?’
She spread her fingers. ‘I wish I knew.’
Sam wished he knew too. This was beyond his experience. He gazed around the space, thinking. It would be easy to dismiss her concerns—the rows of artworks belied her words, demonstrating she hadn’t completely lost her creativity—but he had enough respect for Scarlett’s talent to believe her when she said they weren’t up to scratch.
She touched his arm. ‘It’s not your problem, Sam.’
‘I know, but I’m a helpful kind of guy, and I have a “perfect man” reputation to uphold. Besides, I help you with this, maybe you’ll agree to be my date for Kai’s party.’
‘If you can help me with this, then I’ll be your date for anything you like.’
‘You’re on. First up,’ he said, plucking the glass from her grip with one hand and tangling the other with hers, ‘let’s get out of here.’
Ah, Sam, he is indeed the perfect man! So kind and helpful and more than a bit sexy. Not that I’m biased. Much.
Scarlett and the Model Man is available now in ebook and print from these stores:
Amazon US | Amazon AU | Amazon UK | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes & Noble | Booktopia | Angus & Robertson | Bookdepository
Or purchase a personally signed copy from my online store (Australian postal addresses only).
Read more about Scarlett and the Model Man on its book page or discover the inspiration behind the story in When Life Becomes Fiction.
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